Club News & Updates

Stay up to date with Karate Academy Scotland news.  Updates on club activities, courses and other news will be posted here.

Gradings March 2024

Gradings March 2024

Congratulations to everybody who passed their grading.  The standard on display was very good and it was great to see your development.  

Aberdeen Gradings November 2023 

Aberdeen Gradings November 2023 

Well done to Bill and Isla who successfully graded to 2nd Kyu at the November Aberdeen course with Sensei Dirk Heene. Congratulations to Charlie on receiving an honorary Nidan grade for his outstanding commitment to Shotokan Karate for over 60 years. Oss 

Elgin Course: Sensei Marc Stevens, November 2023

Elgin Course: Sensei Marc Stevens, November 2023

It meant a lot to have Sensei Marc Stevens back with us in Elgin this November, the first time since Covid. There was a positive energy in the hall with around 50 students training in our junior and senior classes. Karate-ka from across Scotland joined us as well as...

Course with Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic Kelty July 2023

Course with Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic Kelty July 2023

Karate Academy Scotland instructors attended a course hosted by long term friends at Kelty Shotokan Karate KSK were hosting Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic in a rare course delivered in Scotland.  Sensei Dimitrijevic is a former student of the legendary Sense Kase and is...

Sensei Dirk Heene, Glasgow September 2023

Sensei Dirk Heene, Glasgow September 2023

Karate Academy Scotland students and instructors attended a course with Sensei Dirk Heene of the Kase Ha in Glasgow. Sense Heene always delivers thought provoking courses designed to stretch students to learn new skills and strategies and everybody left with plenty to...

Kyu Grading September 2023

Kyu Grading September 2023

Karate Academy Scotland held a course and grading for Kyu grades on 25th September 2023.   Students demonstrated their skills and knowledge of kata, kumite and kihon that they have been developing by regular training and practice.  Congratulations to all those...

Upcoming Course : Marc Stevens 6th Dan in Elgin

Upcoming Course : Marc Stevens 6th Dan in Elgin

We are extremely pleased to announce that Sensei Marc Stevens is returning to Elgin for a course - the first time since pre-Covid. This will be held in Elgin on the first weekend of November. We'd appreciate an indication of who will be attending as soon as possible...

Want to Join The Club?

Ready to learn traditional Shotokan karate?  If you are interested in learning traditional karate from the Kase-Ha school, then please get in touuch and arrange a taster session to see if its for you.

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